Custom Reports – ‘How’ Definitions
The data presented for all options are as of the time the transaction occurred.
Address: Street address where the ATM resided at the time of the transaction.
Aggregator: The ATM message router or internet provider (DPL, TNS, PMN, Ventas, YBSpot, etc.).
BIN Length: Length of the BIN that was matched on for transaction routing.
Business Date: The business date the transaction was processed on.
Business Day: Three-character day representation for the day the Business Date began (i.e. MON, TUE, WED, etc.).
Business Month: The business month the transaction was processed on.
Business Quarter: The business quarter and year the transaction was processed on (i.e. Q1-YYYY, Q2-YYYY, etc.).
Business Year: The business year the transaction was processed on.
Calendar Date: The Calendar date the transaction was processed on.
Calendar Day: Three-character day representation of the Calendar Date (i.e. MON, TUE, WED, etc.).
Calendar Month: The calendar month the transaction was processed on.
Calendar Quarter: The calendar quarter and year the transaction was processed on (i.e. Q1-YYYY, Q2-YYYY, etc.).
Calendar Year: The calendar year the transaction was processed on.
Card Brand: Card brand displayed on card belonging to an Issuer Network (i.e. Visa, MasterCard, etc.).
Card Type: Whether the card had a chip or just mag stripe.
City: City where the ATM resided at the time of the transaction.
Communication Method: How the ATM communicated (Dial or TCP/IP).
Country: Country where the ATM resided at the time of the transaction.
DCC Offer Provider: What DCC provider provided the DCC exchange rate for the transaction (Currency Stream, Monex).
DCC Offer Status: The DCC selection outcome (No Offer, Offer Accepted, Offer Rejected).
DCC Ready Status: Is the terminal configured to process DCC transactions (DCC Ready, Not DCC Ready).
Dispense Status: The status of the bills dispended for a withdrawal transaction (i.e. Full Dispense, Under-Dispense, Reversal-Automated, etc.).
EMV Active Status: Indicator representing if the ATM was EMV capable at the time of the transaction (EMV Active, Not EMV Active). This gets set to EMV Active upon the first EMV transaction (i.e. not fallback or mag stripe).
EMV Application Identifier: AID used for the transaction.
EMV Ready Status: Indicator set by the user to indicate that a chip reader was installed. It does not mean that the ATM is processing chip transactions.
From Account Type: The selection the cardholder selected for the account type to be used for the transaction (Checking, Savings, Credit, Universal). For a Transfer transaction, this represents the account type from where the funds are coming from.
ISO: Name of the registered ISO of the ATM.
Issuer Currency: Name of the currency based on the issuer’s registered country location.
Issuer Network: The Card Brand network (i.e. VisaNet, Cirrus, Visa International, etc.).
Issuer Network Tier: The interchange tier assigned to the issuer based on volume (dollars) and other factors.
Issuer Type: Represents if the issuer is Domestic, EBT or International.
Location Type: The type of business the ATM is located in.
Merchant Category Code: The registered category code description for the type of transaction being conducted. All ATM transactions will have this set to Financial Institutions – Automated Cash Disbursements.
Message Format: The transaction message format identifier which is usually the name of the ATM manufacturer based on the ATM’s definition in TMS.
PAN Ending: Represents the last four digits of the PAN used for the transaction.
PAN Entry Method: Represents how the PAN was obtained (Cardless, Chip, Fallback, Mag Stripe) as set by the ATM’s chip reader software.
PAN First Six: Represents the first six digits of the PAN used for the transaction.
PAN Length: Represents the number of digits of the PAN that was read.
Partner: The partners, or affiliate’s, name that is the registered owner of the ATM.
Processor: The name of the processor that routed the transaction to the card network or issuer.
Response: The response from the issuer for the transaction (Approved, Stolen Card (Pick-Up), Expired Card, etc.).
Result: The final decision for the transaction (Approved or Denied).
Routing Method: Represents the routing rule used to route the transaction.
Settled Date: The date the issuer settled the funds for the transaction.
Settled Day: Three-character day representation of the Settled Date (i.e. MON, TUE, WED, etc.).
Settled Month: The calendar month the transaction was settled.
Settled Quarter: The calendar quarter and year the transaction was settled on (i.e. Q1-YYYY, Q2-YYYY, etc.).
Settled Status: Settlement status of the transaction (‘Cash and Surcharge Settled’, ‘Cash Settled, Surcharge Unsettled’, etc.).
Settled Year: The calendar year the transaction was settled on.
Settlement Currency: The currency the transaction was settled in.
State: The state where the ATM resided at the time of the transaction.
Surcharge Reason: The reason the Surcharge Status was assigned (‘No Surcharge in TMS, Reversed, EBT, International, etc.).
Surcharge Status: The surcharge status based on the Surcharge Reason (Surcharged, ‘Not Surchargable’, ‘No Surcharge’, Suppressed).
Terminal Currency: The type of currency vaulted in the ATM.
Terminal Firmware Version Number: The firmware and version number supplied by the user in TMS for the ATM’s definition.
Terminal Location Name: The name of the location as assigned by the user in TMS for the ATM’s definition.
Terminal Make: The name of the manufacturer of the ATM.
Terminal Number: The unique identifier for the ATM, assigned by TMS.
Terminal Program Version Number: Do not select.
Terminal Sequence Number: The unique sequence number of the transaction conducted on the ATM.
Terminal Table Version Number: Do not select.
To Account Type: The selection the cardholder selected for the account type to be used for the transaction (Checking, Savings, Credit, Universal). For a Transfer transaction, this represents the account type to where the funds are to be sent.
Trace ID: Internally generated ID assigned to the transaction.
Transaction Locality: Location of the ATM (Domestic or International).
Transaction Type: The type of transaction being conducted (Withdrawal, Transfer, ‘Balance Inquiry’, etc.)
Zip Code: The zip code where the ATM resided at the time of the transaction.
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